Call the Office on 01424 871677
General Enquiries: Julie 07766 102643
or Danielle 07765 415526
Show Co-Ordinator: Ian 07889 046128

If you experience any difficulties making an entry or would like support please call or text 07798 626075. Click on any event for full schedule/ entry information and a new page will open. View your FREE Online Entries Account via your own account in where you can track your Entries, Times & Results at any time.

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View your FREE Online Entries Account: Track your Entries, Times & Results


Refunds  for online bookings for shows/Arena hire/clinics etc will only be made if withdrawals are made by email to up till 7 days before the booked date, these refunds will be subject to a £5 admin charge. Where a wait list is held and you can be replaced a refund will be given and also subject to the admin charge within the 7 day period . Withdrawals made before the 7 day period can also be transferred or refunded to a similar event but will incur the admin charge for refunds.

Refunds will not include the booking fee which is paid to our online entry agents.

We look forward to welcoming you to Petley Wood EC - if you have a question please contact us.

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